Long And Short Paragraph On Friendship For All

Friendship is the sweetest word in the world. It has vast importance in our life. To make our life happy with joy, friends are playing an important role. Now we are presenting a paragraph on

Paragraph On My School For All Students

School is the first playground to start education. Everybody has some sweet memory about his school. I am not different from it. Now I share my memories through paragraphs at my school. Students also face this type of paragraph in the exam hall. Try to make clear for the

Paragraph On Covid-19 In English

Corona is the name of a virus that is very dangerous and mainly attacks the respiratory system of animals and humans also. The name of the virus is Corona Virus Disease 2019 and it is mostly spread in China and Italy

My Mother Paragraph For Students

Every person or child should obey and respect his or her mother. Now we present my mother paragraph to help the students in the exam