50 Common Idioms And Their Meanings

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How are you dear website visitors Hope you all are well. Today I will talk about 50 common idioms and their meanings. Which we use most of the time and students need in their educational life. A few days ago we wrote content on 100 idioms and their meanings which you have seen. Hope today’s content will be useful for you.

Table of Contents

 List Of 50 Common Idioms And Their Meanings

  1. A black sheep – A person of bad character
  2. A cock and bull story – A false story
  3. A fool’s paradise – False hope for a foolish person
  4. A man of letters – A scholar
  5. A round dozen – A full dozen
  6. A trying time – Hard time
  7. A verbose speech – A speech full of too many words
  8. All in all – On the whole
  9. At all costs – At any cost
  10. At length – After a long time
  11. At sixes and sevens – Confusion and disorder
  12. Bad blood – Enmity
  13. Black and white – In writing
  14. Block head – Stupid person
  15. Bolt from the blue – Unexpected calamity
  16. Bottom line – The essential point
  17. Build a castle in the air – Fanciful schemes
  18. Bull market – Share prices are rising
  19. By dint of – By means of
  20. Cats and dogs – Heavily
  21. Cock and bull story – A false story
  22. Crocodile tears – Deceptive cry
  23. A dead letter – Law not in force
  24. Dog days – Hot weather
  25. Ducks and drakes – To waste
  26. End in smoke – Come to nothing
  27. First language – The natural language
  28. For good – Permanently
  29. From time to time – Sometimes
  30. Full dozen – A round dozen
  31. Get rid of – To set free
  32. Head and heart – Top to bottom
  33. In a nutshell – Briefly
  34. In black and white – In writing
  35. In spite of – Even though
  36. Maiden speech – First Speech
  37. Make good – Compensate  
  38. Man of the word – A truthful person
  39. Nipped in the bud – Destroyed at the beginning
  40. Put up with – Tolerate
  41. Slow coach – Irresponsible person
  42. Snake in the grass – Hidden Enemy
  43. Soft soap – Flatter for self motives
  44. Swan song – Last work
  45. Tell upon – To harm
  46. Through and through – Totally
  47. To get rid of – To set free
  48. To smell a rat – To suspect a trick
  49. With a view to – With the aim of doing something
  50. Yellow dog – Coward

In fact, it is not possible to give common idioms among so few idioms. We have tried to give 50 Common Idioms And Their Meanings. If you want you can see our other idioms-related content so you can learn more. You can share your opinion on our articles on our Facebook page.

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