Water is an essential natural element that is gifted from our nature. Without water, we can’t live anymore. Due to water pollution, we get to suffer very badly. Many reasons are present in this situation. We write here a water pollution paragraph for increasing knowledge in the students from the root level.
Water Pollution Paragraph 150 Words
Water Pollution
Water pollution is now an alarming issue. Because we turning towards a very bad life due to water pollution. Because of water pollution cholera, typhoid, diarrhea, high fever, and much disease are spread out in the epidemic condition. We willingly or unwillingly are responsible for this condition. For getting more benefits we make more complications. For making more products or yields we use pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers, weedicides, etc. which all are responsible for water pollution. Mills and factories’ wastage, unsanitary latrines, animal excreta, steamer oil, motor launches, food wastage, unsold or non-reusable things are also enough for making water pollution.
If we want to get rid of this condition, it is high time to stop this activity. Need also making awareness from the root level. Govt. actions need to take proper steps to stop the increasing rate of water pollution. Because to save our next generation and save from incurable epidemic diseases.
Alternative Water Pollution Paragraph 230 Words
Water pollution
Water pollution is defined when some harmful extent is mixed with surface water and drinking water is called water pollution. Make water free from pollution if we want to lead a long-lasting healthy life. Water pollution makes our life risky. Many possible reasons are present in making water pollution. Such as excess use of chemical fertilizers and insecticides, throwing oil and waste from launches and steamers or motor vehicles, giving out humans and animals excreta near the river or canal bank, food waste, unsold things, and more other things.
Rainwater or river water mixed with this makes water pollution and destroy the fish assets. For water pollution, break out many diseases also. Typhoid, diarrhea, fever, cholera are very common diseases that are the result of water pollution. If we make conscious of the reasons for water pollution and change our habits, we may reduce these conditions. And it is the exact time for taking proper actions to stop the reasons.
We need to identify an alternative way to sort out the conditions. To give a healthy world for our next generation we have to take risks and responsibilities. If we don’t overcome water pollution in the future our generation not gets water to use. It is the responsibility of both the govt. and common people to make shake hands to stop water pollution. Need mass media coverage and apply law and action against those people who are responsible.
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