Paragraph on garden picture

Paragraph On Garden For All Class Students

Paragraph on garden picture

Gardening is a very precious hobby or passion for a person. The students of different classes were most often asked to write a Paragraph on garden. As it is a common hobby for many of us we all know about gardening. Let’s learn a few more about gardening.

Paragraph On Garden In English 250 Word


A garden is a property consisting of a different tree of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. It is generally situated near the house so that the owner can take care of it. Though the concept of the garden is monotonous there are different types of gardens like demonstration gardens, container gardening, kitchen gardens, organic gardening, and so on.

Gardening is a very common hobby of many people and many of us are fond of cultivating flowers in our garden. On the other hand, our rooftop garden contains different types of trees like the trees of nutritious fruits and healthy vegetables beside the scented flower. Sometimes herbs like aloe vera and basil are also planted in the garden which helps to cure diseases.

Gardening is the most enjoyable pass time for both young and adults. In the village, a garden must be fenced to save plantations from cattle. City people grow trees on their balconies or rooftop and they don’t need to fence their garden. We like to plant different seasonal fruits and vegetables like mango, lemon, bean, tomato, gourd, chilies, and coriander in the garden. Some of us keep money plant with other trees of the garden.

The people who like gardening, are real nature lovers. They work hard and fertilize the trees in their garden so that they can keep the garden tidy and free from insects. Gardening ensures relaxation with inner peace of mind. It also helps us to regulate blood circulations via different physical activities like watering, mulching, cropping, and weeding. We can contribute to nature through our love and care through a garden.

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