Tree Plantation Essay picture

Tree Plantation Essay For Students

Tree Plantation Essay picture

Tree Plantation essay is very common for examination. Students can quickly answer this essay in the exam. Tree plantation is also helpful for a country for savings from hazards. Here, we present a tree plantation essay for helping the students.

Tree Plantation Essay 280 Words

Introduction: Tree plantation is called when trees seedlings are transferred from the original space to different spaces for a different purpose. Tree plantation has a great benefit to us. It gives us a healthy environment for living.

Benefits of Tree Plantation: Trees plantation is an essential element of the environment. A country should have 25% of land under forest area. We get oxygen, food, wood, shelter, leaves, honey, rubber, resin, fragrance, medicine, etc. from trees. Without trees, our land turns into a desert area, and we can’t live there.

Time of Tree Plantation: June-July is the optimum time for tree plantation. ”Tree Plantation Week” is happening every year with a lot of motivational work. In this time we can connect remote area people to create awareness about tree plantations.

Scope of Tree Plantation: We can use the unused area for tree plantation. Low lying area, remaining homestead or any buildings area, fellow land, roads, and railway line sides area can take under tree plantation. Suitable tree selection is essential for remote or fellow or desert land.

Effects of Less Tree Plantation: For keeping ecological balance, more tree plantation is essential. Without trees, natural hazards, C.F.C rate, carbon dioxide emissions are increasing day by day. We can’t take oxygen or fresh air for our breathing. Day by day, our land area is decreasing. So it is alarming for us to find out an alternative way.

Conclusion: Cutting down trees in excess rate, causing deforestation which hurts the environment and our life. So, we should try to stop this unnecessary tree cutting and increase tree plantation activities.

Note – Tree Plantation Essays is a collective term for the students. Besides reading and writing, students should take the step for increasing tree plantation.

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