Norway Free Education system

Make Your Career from Norway Free Education

Norway Free Education system

Have you interested to make your study in Norway free education?  Though it is a small country it has a great opportunity to get standard free education. Norway’s education gives a quality education that will help to make a successful career. 

For indigenous to international all types of students may make their free education in Norway. English is the priority as a language to make the education system. Here you get a good nature where you can easily adapt if you are an international student.

Norway has vital resources though it is a small country. But its educational cost is too high. To continue studying in Norway you have to maintain both educational and living costs. We try to present here all about Norway’s free education.

What’s are the Criteria of Norway Free Education

  • Have a chance to get a high-quality education. And to continue your education you must have good efficiency in English. It also has the opportunity to exchange agreements all over the country.
  • For the native students need to complete secondary education and also need the basic requirements which are set from NOKUT (Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education). One year of university-level study is a must for international students.
  • In Norway present 9 universities, 5 scientific colleges, 8 university colleges that are owned from the state. Besides these also present public universities. Students are invited to take education from there according to their abilities.
  • Public institutions of Norwegian are not taken tuition fees. On the other hand, private institutions are also taken a small number of low tuition fees than other countries. That applies to foreign students also.
  • From 2003 following the European Bologna education system which included 3,2 and 3 degrees. These 3,2,3 degrees are bachelor’s, masters, and Ph.D. That system is very helpful for foreign students.
  • Some old universities are maintaining this system. They designed their curriculum as the 2-year degree for the college candidate, 5-year master’s degree, 6-year professional degree, then 4-year bachelor’s degree in music and art, in the last 4 years in teacher education.
  • During teaching education, they take training and learning in basic research and researcher training. At first take graduate-level training then take doctoral-level training.
  • The Universities are offering study programs without external accreditation but university colleges are not offering this.
  • Some fellowship programs, student loans, scholarship programs are available to help the students, especially for international students. Full degree or for some limited semester is funding from it.

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